This page features a particular case study in the Geordie dialect.

Below you will find the transcribed version of this audio (01:47-04:02) where Katerina Moraitis, a Geordie speaker, tells us her own story in Geordie dialect. Analysis of Geordie features found in this audio is below the transcript.


Hello, I’m from Newcastle. I was born in Benwell ; I’ve moved to Worksop when I was 5. I’ve moved away to work a few times, but I’ve always moved back. Quite happy here, I think I’ll be here the rest of me life; I love it. Um, I work at the University of Northumbria at the minute; ah, I’ve been here three years, and I love it. I’m hoping to be here for a long time to come. I went to Scotland for me holidays this year. Went on the east coast, which isn’t very nice, but it was a bargain. It was in the sale; that’s the only reason I went.  And, uh, I’m saving up for me holidays next year ‘cause I’m hoping to go to America, ‘cause I found a cheap one, which was in the sale last year at Easter, so hopefully it’ll be in this year again this year for this Easter, so I haven’t got the brochure yet, that comes out in September, but it’s still not out yet. I keep going in every week. So, hopefully I’ll get that soon, and I’ll get booked up for there. So that’ll be a bit better than the east coast of Scotland. We’ll see. In America, it’s staying in a place called Old Mystic Side, New York, and, um, you go to quite a few places: Boston, Cape Cod, which I’ve always wanted to go up to. It’s a tourist by hour only ‘cause I’m not very adventurous and I like to have everything done for it. I don’t like to to venture out much, especially to America. Never been abroad before; farthest I’ve been is Ireland, which is, I suppose it’s abroad, but not very far. So I’m looking forward to that. Atola is 14-year-old at the minute, and she’s just chosen her options at school, and, um, she just chose them; didn’t have any advice off anybody, and then she’s just suddenly decided that she’s going to choose some thing else so she’s changed it. Went to the teacher and says, “Could I go into art instead of business studies?” He says, “Ah yes, I’ve got a naughty boy in business studies. I’ll swap him and that’ll be great.” So it’s all right for him; he’s getting the good one into art, so he’s quite happy but she’s had no advice, and she’s, I’m just really, I mean I, I want her be happy, and I want her to do what she likes, and I’m sure she’ll enjoy art ‘cause it’s an easy option; and I think that’s what’s at the bottom of it really. Business studies must seem like too much hard work, and I think it’s a bit of shame that she’s been able to just change it without any discussion whatsoever.


The words or phrases in question in bold in the transcript.

  • Absence of FOOT-STRUT split, /ʊ/ in STRUT words, but
  • BATH words with /a/, back, september, easter,
  • PRICE words with /ɛi/, price, advice, decide, like,
  • GOAT set with /o:/, hopefully, no,  
  • /ɒ/ discussion,
  • /ʃ/  year
  • No H-Dropping, here, hopefully, hard,